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팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

‘LISTEN TO PATIENTS’ listens to the
patient's voice and iluminates it.

LISTEN TO PATIENTS® is about listening to the voices of patients and bringing those voices to light. In every solution for treating diseases, the patient is at the center. The voice of the patient becomes an insight into patient-centered care and a seed for creating a better environment for patients in the future.

That's why LISTEN TO PATIENTS conducts research that captures the patient voice through interviews, surveys and other research tools to shed light on the present experiences of patients and their caregivers, and to explore ways to create a better future to come for them.

LISTEN TO PATIENTS is dedicated to nurturing the seeds to shape a better treatment environment for patients and helping them grow into sturdy trees!

Pls contact us for your questions via email to

  • Who We Are

    ‘LISTEN TO PATIENTS’ is a patients-only research lab run by
    The Needs & Seeds Communications Lab. Inc. as healthcare
    communications consultancy since 2009.
    This is the first-in-Korea research site whose panel is
    composed of only patients and caregivers.
    It conducts research and analysis to improve
    the patient's treatment environment.

  • Our Ways

    Every start of LISTEN TO PATIENTS starts
    with the patient and caregiver.

  • Our Purpose

    ‘LISTEN TO PATIENTS’ believes in and supports the power
    of experiences by patients and caregivers directly over fighting
    the disease. By designing research and providing analytics,
    we help ensure patients and caregivers to share their voice
    to the world and to help them benefit from
    better treatment environment.

  • Our Belief

    I hope that the voice of the patient captured today by
    ‘LISTEN TO PATIENTS’ can shed a little light on the steps of
    another person who will walk the path of battle in the future.
    Until the big tree of a patient-centered society grows,
    ‘LISTEN TO PATIENTS’ will plant seeds for patients.